1099-R Tax Forms Are Now Available Online

SURS has completed its paper mailing of the 2024 IRS Form 1099-R to each member or beneficiary who received a distribution in 2024.

SURS FY 2024 Annual Report

Review all pertinent investment, actuarial and statistical information for FY 2024.

SURS 2025 Payment Schedule

View a full listing of benefit payment dates for the upcoming year.

Read SURS Insights Newsletter

Info on new trustees, SURS defined benefit and defined contribution plans, Medicare Advantage open enrollment, educational webinars and more.

Watch SURS DCP Informational Video

SURS Deferred Compensation Plan Another Source for Retirement Income

Retirement Planning Webinars Are Available Online

Learn about your retirement benefits from the comfort of your home.

New to SURS

Choosing one of SURS three retirement plans may seem a bit overwhelming at first. You will want to have a solid understanding of your options before you decide.

Ready to Retire

You have fulfilled the vesting requirements for retirement from your SURS-covered employer and would like to apply for retirement.


Educational Events

SURS hosts a number of online and in-person seminars and webinars for members in all plan types.


Helpful resources for new and existing SURS members including guides, videos and frequently asked questions.

Recent News


Retirement Plans

Traditional Pension Plan

The SURS Traditional Pension Plan is the historical SURS Defined Benefit retirement plan. It provides lifetime retirement benefits and a survivor benefit at no additional cost. However, the separation refund feature is not as generous as the Portable Pension Plan. The Traditional Pension Plan is also the default plan assigned to members who fail to choose a plan within six months of certification.

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Portable Pension Plan

The SURS Portable Pension Plan is a Defined Benefit retirement plan that has much in common with the Traditional Pension Plan. However, it provides a more generous separation refund when participants leave the system. The provisions for survivor benefits require a reduction to the retirement and death benefits.

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Retirement Savings Plan

The SURS Retirement Savings Plan (RSP) is a defined contribution plan that establishes an account into which your contributions and the employer (state of Illinois) contributions are placed. You decide how your account balance will be invested, selecting from a variety of mutual funds and variable annuities.

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SURS Deferred Compensation Plan

This new voluntary plan, called the SURS Deferred Compensation Plan (DCP), will provide members an avenue to save more and generate additional income in retirement. Most active SURS members employed by a state university, community college or other government entity will be able to participate.

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SURS Calendar

Stay up-to-date with all SURS events and dates.

  • Educational Events
  • Board and Committee Meetings
  • Holidays
  • Benefit Payment Dates


Educational Events

SURS is pleased to offer the following educational webinars and seminars.


Plan Choice Webinars


Retirement Savings Plan Webinars


Pre-Retirement Educational Seminars


From Here To Retirement Webinars


SURS Townhall and Stakeholders Meetings

Keep Your Information Up To Date.

SURS secure Member Website is the best tool to keep your personal information up to date. You can safely update your beneficiaries, address, email and phone numbers. You may also view your benefit statements and create retirement estimates based on different retirement scenarios. If you have not yet registered, do it today by clicking on the Member Website Login button in the top right-hand corner of the SURS website homepage, then hit the Registration Process button and follow the prompts.