General Information
The Investment Beliefs serve as a guide in the board’s decision making process and a reference point for future board and staff decisions.
Investment Policies & Procurement Practices
The investment philosophy, guidelines and practices that SURS employs to manage the System´s assets.
Procurement practices include sample Request for Proposals (RFPs) as well as RFPs currently issued for active searches. This section also includes an Investment Management Agreement required by managers entering into a contract for investment services.
Investment Managers and Contractors
Contact information as well as fees paid to investment managers are enclosed in this section. The contact information for service providers to the investment department may also be found.
The Investment Plan reviews the results of each fiscal year and defines the strategy for the new fiscal year in accordance with the board-approved asset/liability study and Investment Policy.
Corporate governance policies, proxy policy statement, and quarterly issue summary reports.
To ensure transparency, Illinois Statute requires disclosure of certain investment activities found on the following page.
Reports & Studies
SURS is required to post an Annual Fiduciary Report to its website pursuant to 40 ILCS 5/15-177.6, which became law on August 4, 2023.
SURS is required to provide participants and benefit recipients with financial statements, including the report of the independent auditors regarding those statements.
Actuarial Valuation Reports & Experience Studies
The valuation reports provide information on the funding status of SURS and include a determination of the state contribution level. The experience study compares actual experience to expected experience based on information for the periods shown.
A overview of the SURS investment portfolio and performance.
Reports to the Governor and General Assembly
• Use of Emerging Investment Managers required by 40 ILCS 5/1-109.1.
• Illinois Economic Opportunity Investments required by 40 ILCS 5/1A-108.5.
RSP/DCP Quarterly Performance Reports
Quarterly reports for performance in the Retirement Savings Plan (RSP) and the Deferred Compensation Plan (DCP).
Diverse Manager Outreach
SURS Diverse Manager Outreach Portal
SURS Investment Staff has launched a Diverse Manager Outreach Portal to provide an opportunity for diversely-owned investment management firms with greater than 51% ownership by minorities, women, or people with a disability to present to the SURS investment team, its manager-of-manager partners, and/or its consultants.
Diversity In SURS Portfolio
SURS is committed to providing opportunities for investment management firms and broker/dealers owned by minorities, women and persons with a disability.
Approximately forty-seven percent (42 of 90) of SURS’ current investment managers are owned by minorities, women, or persons with a disability, as of June 30, 2024. SURS assets managed by these 42 firms total $11.4 billion, representing 46.8% of the total investment portfolio.
Minority brokerage utilization rates for U.S. equity, non-U.S. equity, global equity, and fixed income investment managers were 100%, 96.9%, 35.6%, and 74.8%, respectively, for FY 2024