SURS Facts – Other Public Employment
Other Public Employment is employment at 100% time with a U.S. public school, public college or public university. If certified on or before Sept. 1, 1974, Other Public Employment can also be employment at 100% time with the U.S. government or state government.
- Please note that the member will not be eligible to purchase credit for other public employment until the member has contributed to the State Universities Retirement System (SURS) for at least five years following the public employment. The five years may include service with the State Teachers’ Retirement System (STRS) or the Chicago Teachers’ Retirement Fund (CTRF).
- Prior employment must be with a U.S. public school, public college or public university. If the member entered SURS on or before Sept. 1, 1974, the member may also purchase employment with the US government, the government of a state, a political subdivision of a state, or any agency or instrumentality of the foregoing.
- The member can purchase up to 10 years of service, but not more than two-thirds of the member’s SURS service credit granted under Sections 15-113.1 through 15-113.5 and 15-113.8 through 15-113.10 of SURS law. The maximum of 10 years shall be reduced for any out-of-state employment purchased with STRS or CTRF.
- If the member entered SURS on or after Sept. 5, 1975, the public employment must be full-time, except under the following conditions:
- If participation in SURS terminated prior to Aug. 18, 1965, the member is not eligible to purchase other public employment.
- If participation in SURS terminated between Aug. 18, 1965 and June 30, 1967, the public employment must be full-time.
- If the member entered SURS between July 1, 1967 and Sept. 4, 1975, the public employment must be at least 50%.
- The member cannot qualify for a retirement pension or other benefit based upon employer contributions from another retirement system (excluding Social Security).
- Military service may be purchased as other public employment only if the member entered SURS on or before Sept. 1, 1974. If the member entered SURS after Sept. 1, 1974, contact SURS for information on other purchase options to establish military service.
- Other public employment may not be used to meet SURS’ minimum vesting requirements.
- Method 1 – To determine the cost for each year of service purchased, multiply the full-time annual salary rate at the date SURS participation began by an 8% contribution rate*. Multiply this product by the following interest rates.
- Interest Rate – 6% compounding annually from date of certification through Aug. 31, 1982. Beginning Sept. 1, 1982, the interest compounds annually based on the effective rates. Interest compounds through the month in which the payment is made, regardless of the day of the month payment is received.* Contribution Rate
- If SURS Termination date before July 31, 1972 – 12%•If SURS Termination date between July 31, 1972 and Aug. 27, 1973 – 10%•If SURS Termination date on or after Aug. 28, 1973 – 8%
- Method 2 – One-half the actuarial value of the increase in the retirement annuity provided by this service, whichever provides the lowest cost. This cost cannot be determined until shortly before the actual date of retirement. Projections have shown that this method rarely provides the cheapest cost.