Return to Work – Portable Lump Sum Retirement
Read the following important information on Returning to Work for members who took the Portable Lump Sum Retirement option.
Important Information
If you received a Portable Lump Sum Retirement from SURS, you must wait 60 calendar days from the date the lump sum check was issued to return to work with a SURS-covered employer. If you do not satisfy this requirement, you will be required to repay the full lump sum to SURS.
Make Election Regarding Re-participation
If you return to work for a SURS-covered employer, you will be given the option to begin participating in SURS again. Upon receipt of contributions, SURS will automatically send you the Portable Annuitant Reemployment Election Form. You must be reemployed for at least nine consecutive months to be eligible for additional benefits from SURS.
- If you wish to resume participation in the SURS system, complete and return the election form within 30 days. You will continue to contribute to SURS during the period of re-employment.
- If you do not wish to resume participation, you do not need to do anything. SURS will automatically return the contributions to your employer if the form is not returned to SURS within 30 days. Your employer will be responsible for returning the contributions to you. No further benefits will be payable by SURS.
Benefits Payable Upon Termination of Reemployment
If you elected to resume participation in SURS, you may be eligible for additional benefits at the end of your period of reemployment.
- Employed for less than nine months: If you are reemployed for less than nine months, your period of reemployment will be deemed ineligible for SURS participation. All contributions will be returned to your employer without interest. Your employer will be responsible for returning the contributions to you.
- Employed for nine or more consecutive months: If you are reemployed for at least nine consecutive months, you are eligible to apply for benefits from SURS. These benefits can be taken in the form of another Portable Lump Sum Retirement with applicable employer matching funds or in the form of a monthly retirement annuity.
To determine your eligibility for benefits, contact SURS:
- Dial Toll Free: 800-275-7877
- Dial Direct: 217-378-8800