State Universities Retirement System Board Meetings

Champaign, IL – The Investment Committee, Audit & Risk Committee, Legal & Legislative Committee, Administration Committee and the Board of Trustees of the State Universities Retirement System (SURS) will meet […]

State Universities Retirement System Board Meetings

Champaign, IL – The Investment Committee, Audit & Risk Committee, Legal & Legislative Committee, Administration Committee and the Board of Trustees of the State Universities Retirement System (SURS) will meet […]

Understanding the Money Purchase Factor Changes Webinar

On July 2, 2025, the Money Purchase Factors used to calculate SURS retirement benefits are changing. Members retiring on or after that date, with the highest retirement calculation under the Money Purchase calculation could be affected. Admission is FREE. Registration is required.Download Handout

RSP Distribution Options Webinar

This webinar will explain financial distribution options at retirement for Retirement Savings Plan (RSP) members and address the forms needed and application process. Admission is FREE. Registration is required.Download Handout

Plan Choice Tier II Webinar

This webinar is for Tier II members who have not yet made a retirement plan choice. Tier II members are SURS participants who first begin their SURS (or other eligible Illinois reciprocal system) participation on or after January 1, 2011. The webinars are normally held on the last Tuesday of each month.   Admission is […]

Understanding the Money Purchase Factor Changes Webinar

On July 2, 2025, the Money Purchase Factors used to calculate SURS retirement benefits are changing. Members retiring on or after that date, with the highest retirement calculation under the […]

Understanding Your SURS Benefits Webinar – Tier II

This webinar will provide an overview of SURS Tier II benefits, with a focus on retirement. Earning & purchasing service credit, sick leave, refunds, reciprocal time, disability, death & survivor […]

DCP Informational Webinar

The SURS Deferred Compensation Plan (DCP) is a voluntary supplemental retirement plan designed to complement your SURS core retirement plan and help make sure you are on the road to […]

DCP Informational Webinar

The SURS Deferred Compensation Plan (DCP) is a voluntary supplemental retirement plan designed to complement your SURS core retirement plan and help make sure you are on the road to […]