Plan Choice Tier II Webinar

This webinar is for Tier II members who have not yet made a retirement plan choice. Tier II members are SURS participants who first begin their SURS (or other eligible […]

From Here To Retirement Webinar

This webinar is designed to help early to mid-career members consider future goals and evaluate retirement readiness. It provides an overview of SURS benefits as well as other key components […]

Understanding Your Police/Fire Benefits Webinar – Tier I

This webinar will provide an overview of SURS Police/Fire Tier I benefits, with a focus on retirement. Earning & purchasing service credit, sick leave, refunds, reciprocal time, disability, death & survivor benefits, insurance, retirement calculations, & applying for retirement will all be discussed. You should be a Tier 1 Police/Fire SURS Member to enroll in […]

Navigating The Retirement Savings Plan (RSP) Webinar

This webinar is for Retirement Savings Plan (RSP) participants who are new to the SURS Systems or participants who are seeking information regarding RSP procedures including transfers, service credit purchases and accumulation, and contact information. Admission is FREE. Registration is required.Download Handout

DCP Informational Webinar

The SURS Deferred Compensation Plan (DCP) is a voluntary supplemental retirement plan designed to complement your SURS core retirement plan and help make sure you are on the road to a healthy retirement. Most active SURS members employed by a state university, community college or other government entity may participate. Newly hired members with an […]

SURS Retirement Savings Plan (RSP) Q&A Session

Do you have general questions about SURS Retirement Savings Plan (RSP)? Please bring your questions and join us for this small Q & A group where members can ask questions and have them answered by a SURS RSP Benefit Counselor. Registration is limited to 25 members. This session is for those members in the RSP […]

SURS Traditional & Portable Q&A Session

Do you have general questions about SURS or retirement? Please bring your questions and join us for this small Q & A group where members can ask questions and have them answered by a SURS Benefits Counselor. Registration is limited to 25 members. This session is for those members in the Traditional and Portable plans […]

DCP Informational Webinar

The SURS Deferred Compensation Plan (DCP) is a voluntary supplemental retirement plan designed to complement your SURS core retirement plan and help make sure you are on the road to a healthy retirement. Most active SURS members employed by a state university, community college or other government entity may participate. Newly hired members with an […]